Thursday, September 29, 2011

Field-Effect Transistors

 The field-effect transistor (FET) is a three-terminal device used for a variety of applications that match, to a large extent, those of the BJT transistor described in Chapters
3 and 4. Although there are important differences between the two types of devices,
there are also many similarities that will be pointed out in the sections to follow.
The primary difference between the two types of transistors is the fact that the
BJT transistor is a current-controlled device as depicted in Fig. 5.1a, while the JFET
transistor is a voltage-controlled device as shown in Fig. 5.1b. In other words, the current
IC in Fig. 5.1a is a direct function of the level of IB. For the FET the current I
will be a function of the voltage VGS applied to the input circuit as shown in Fig. 5.1b.
In each case the current of the output circuit is being controlled by a parameter of the
input circuit—in one case a current level and in the other an applied voltage.

Drs. Ian Munro Ross (front) and G. C. Dacey

Just as there are npn and pnp bipolar transistors, there are n-channel and p-channel
field-effect transistors. However, it is important to keep in mind that the BJT transistor
is a bipolar device—the prefix bi- revealing that the conduction level is a function
of two charge carriers, electrons and holes. The FET is a unipolar device
depending solely on either electron (n-channel) or hole (p-channel) conduction.

The term field-effect in the chosen name deserves some explanation. We are all
familiar with the ability of a permanent magnet to draw metal filings to the magnet
without the need for actual contact. The magnetic field of the permanent magnet has
enveloped the filings and attracted them to the magnet through an effort on the part
of the magnetic flux lines to be as short as possible. For the FET an electric field is
established by the charges present that will control the conduction path of the output
circuit without the need for direct contact between the controlling and controlled

There is a natural tendency when introducing a second device with a range of applications
similar to one already introduced to compare some of the general characteristics
of one versus the other. One of the most important characteristics of the FET
is its high input impedance. At a level of 1 to several hundred megohms it far exceeds
the typical input resistance levels of the BJT transistor configurations—a very important
characteristic in the design of linear ac amplifier systems. On the other hand,
the BJT transistor has a much higher sensitivity to changes in the applied signal. In
other words, the variation in output current is typically a great deal more for BJTs
than FETs for the same change in applied voltage. For this reason, typical ac voltage
gains for BJT amplifiers are a great deal more than for FETs. In general, FETs are
more temperature stable than BJTs, and FETs are usually smaller in construction than
BJTs, making them particularly useful in integrated-circuit (IC) chips. The construction
characteristics of some FETs, however, can make them more sensitive to handling
than BJTs.

Two types of FETs will be introduced in this chapter: the junction field-effect
transistor (JFET) and the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET).
The MOSFET category is further broken down into depletion and enhancement
types, which are both described. The MOSFET transistor has become one of the most
important devices used in the design and construction of integrated circuits for digital
computers. Its thermal stability and other general characteristics make it extremely
popular in computer circuit design. However, as a discrete element in a typical
top-hat container, it must be handled with care (to be discussed in a later

Once the FET construction and characteristics have been introduced, the biasing
arrangements will be covered in Chapter 6. The analysis performed in Chapter 4 using
BJT transistors will prove helpful in the derivation of the important equations and
understanding the results obtained for FET circuits.

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